Treble Chorus (Grade 3-5)

Tuition (2023-24)
Treble Chorus (Grade 3-5)
Treble Chorus introduces elementary grade singers to singing as an artistic, expressive medium in the choir format and includes fun and engaging opportunities to perform. Treble choristers learn age-appropriate healthy vocal techniques; solfège and sight-singing; and how to sing in unison and two parts and in different languages. They also begin to learn how to read music, including pitch letter names and note values. Singers gain confidence singing alone and in a group and develop poise on stage in community performances and concerts (in December and May) with the Concert and Touring ensembles.
Treble Chorus meets 2 times per week for a total of 2 hours of rehearsal. A placement hearing is required, but no prior singing experience is necessary. The placement hearing is an opportunity to meet with the conductor to talk and do basic singing - no preparation is required!
Date range: From 08-28-2023 to 05-30-2024
Full Year Registration - One Payment
$750.00 One time
Full Year Registration - Two Payments
$375.00 Quarterly
Full Year Registration - Three Payments
$250.00 Bi-monthly
Spring Only 2024
$375.00 One time

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